Friday, March 31, 2006


I made the prediction early on when J-Lo was in Italy at the Dolce & Gabanna Fall 2006 Ready-To-Wear Show last month in Milan. It's was like I could look at her and tell what was on her mind. I knew it was going to happen and so it has..

Miss Cleo Calling!

The Sophia Loren/ Jennifer Lopez comparison.

Jennifer Lopez will never be like Sophia Loren, that would take sophistication and for one to be unassuming. Traits Ms. Lopez is defiantly lacking.

I really wish she would take those darned elocution lessons like I suggested because her speech is less than desirable and she keeps talking because someone must have told her that she was smart. Ahhhhhaww... It must have been P-What's His Name Now.

Oh, But Don't Fret My JLo Pet "The Fashion Rab" Can Squeeze You In For A Lesson.

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