Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Is This Really So Bad?...

Mind you,

I searched high and low for this cartoon and I must say I'm rather disappointed. I expected something a little more... How do I say this... Mind-Blowingly funny, Fall Your Ass On The Floor Belly Laugh, Now "Dat's" Comedy uproar. Not!

Seems to me that some of us should develop a sense of humor. People have been make fun of asians, blacks, homosexuals, jews, white men who can't dance or jump, the dumb blonde, Jesus and the French for along time. A certain group not worth mentioning laugh, sing, throw candy and make that annoying squawking sound whenever tragedy befalls a western nation. Say it loud and be proud, "America fuck yeeeeaaah!"

Now Muhammad is just like everybody else. A TARGET!

Welcome Mo, we've been waiting for you.

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