Thursday, February 16, 2006

A Million Peices of Frey'd Chicken

Writer James Frey really got a batter'n by Oprah. So much so, that I personally felt a little sorry for him. He looked as if he was going to cry. She's such a bully, that one. He looked down right terrified of the big O, all pinned up in her suit with an Elizabethan like collared blouse. She looked like a strange scary bird.

Oprah probably told him that if he didn't appear on the show to explain himself moreover for her to make him look like a Kentucky Frey'd Fool that she would sue him and four generations of him family for everything they were worth.

Just think…there was actually a time when Oprah was fat (only up until recently), with a kinky fro and no friends. She couldn't get invited to a party no matter how much money she donated to charity.

Today outside of her friend Gail King the number of friends she really has is questionable. I hope that she hasn’t fooled herself into thinking that she has been taken in by Hollywood. Because Hollywood is and always has been for sale.

Although, your empire remains Oprah, you sold your journalistic integrity along with your soul a long time ago. Jerry Springer and Oprah covered some of the same topics. AM Chicago, anyone remember that?

Certainly O., you should be able to sympathize with someone writing a book to make money and a possible name for themselves. James Frey wrote a very good book. You said so, yourself. The publishers thought so too. After all he got a multi-book deal.

Seems to me that you have been breathing too much of your own air. Perhaps you have had it too good for too long. You’ve defiantly come along way from your meager beginnings but you seem to have forgotten what life is like for the rest of us.

Hooray, for Bruce Willis, taking up for Mr. Frey. I must say… The way that most people are so quick to agree with her as if she is never wrong is creepy and unsettling.

Oprah’s bullying escapades began last summer with the French luxury brand Hermes.

As a long time customer of the company, I am very disappointed that they apologized about the incident. Hermes had nothing to apologize for. They weren't being racist as she did refer to it as her “CRASH” moment. Your feelings were hurt O., and I can understand that but it was “YOU” who was rude.

Bonjour, the “Clue Phone’s” for you, Oprah.
At your level of the high profile "look at me I have money" game, you shouldn't just show up to a store at closing and expect to be let in to shop.

Perhaps here in America that somehow flies but you forgot that Paris is not a part of the United States although you probably travel there as much as you do any other American city. i.e. New York, Los Angeles or Miami.
You are a visitor in France and you should act accordingly. What you did was rude no matter what country you’re in.

Next time have your assistant make, an appointment for you to shop, if your hours are irregular. I’m sure someone would be glad to come in early or stay late for you.

Is this what “Fish Sticks” (Gwyneth Paltrow) meant when she said something about Americans not being civilized?
See my post: Sofa-King-Re-Tar -Did

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